Thursday, 21 August 2014

My Life To Live

You don't help yourself,
That's what they will say,
If I turned up aching,
Injured, for the day,

But look at the bigger picture,
The depression in my eyes,
Running helps free me,
From this pain I have inside,

So tell me again,
How my aching muscles are bad,
That I still don't help myself,
I should just grow old and fat,

But what would they know,
About what really causes me pain?
Every day I help myself,
Through sun, snow and rain,

So look at the bigger picture,
Of why I do what I do,
And start to think about,
These words that come from you,

For they could be damaging,
Hazardous to my health,
If I stopped running,
Would I get lost in myself?

But maybe the injuries,
That I have picked up,
Don't come from running,
But things being so tough,

Up to 10 hours a day,
On a cold concrete floor,
My joints start aching,
As the load gets more and more,

The consistent pressure,
The high tempo of the day,
The heavy lifting,
And other things I can't say,

So maybe I don't help myself,
With what I do every day,
But I don't think it's running,
That makes me that way,

So maybe instead of negativity,
Your support you could give,
While I run my own battles,
As it is my life to live. 

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